Javel's notes

Functional programming fundamentals memento


A function of arity n can be expressed as a sequence of n unary function.

// this:
const curriedSum = (a: number) => (b: number): number => a + b

// is the curried version of this
const sum = (a: number, b: number): number => a + b

Partial application

The main point of currying functions is to achieve partial application.

// this
const inc = curriedSum(1)

// returns a new unary function (b: number) => number
const twelve: number = inc(11)


const set: number[] = [1, 2, 3]

// this:
set.map(n => inc(n))

// is the same as this:

Given dec is a unary function and multiply a curried function of arity 2, we may compose those functions together to achieve trivial operations.

// this resolves as ((n + 1) * 2) - 1
const calculate = (n: number): number => dec(multiply(2)(inc(n)))

// and can be rewritten using a left to right composition utility
const calculateR = (n: number): number => o(dec, multiply(2), inc)(n)

// which is the same as
const calculateR = o(dec, multiply(2), inc)

// which for all n, the following is a tautology
calculate(n) === calculateR(n)


© Joris Langlois 2023